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Set Scouting Lock

Server managers can use these commnads to set channels for specific games or block scouting entirely.


This command is guild-only, command will not show up in Direct Messages


Only members with Manage Channels permission can use these commands


By default, scouting is available for channels with access to iSAO's commands

Channel only for SAO:MD


This also applies to ARS and IF with their respective commands

Type /config into the message bar
Choose the command with the iSAO logo
In the allow field, choose MD

md-scout has changed from None to MD Use /config reset to delete channel lock

Block scouting on channel

Type /config into the message bar
Choose the command with the iSAO logo
In the allow field, choose Block

md-scout has changed from MD to Block Use /config reset to delete channel lock

Reset config for channel


This will allow scouting for all games on the channel

Type /config into the message bar
Choose the command with the iSAO logo
In the allow field, choose Reset

md-scout has changed from Block to None Use /config reset to delete channel lock

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